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Use Connect to Google Cloud Storage Action to watch a directory, to upload, download, and sync files.

Storage URI Provide a Google Cloud Storage endpoint URL.
  • storage.googleapis.com
Authentication Authenticate with Access Keys.
  • Access Keys · provide Google Cloud Storage HMAC keys.
Access key Provide a Google Cloud Storage Access ID.
Secret Provide a Google Cloud Storage Secret.
Mask passwordMask password buttonTo maximize security, mask the password characters. While enabled, it is not possible to use the Variable Wizard.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.


  • Connect to Google Cloud Storage integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Access the name (address) of the server used for the Google Cloud Storage connection. Detailed logs are maintained for GCS connections, including any encountered connection issues.

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