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The Connect to DigitalOcean Spaces options allows you to give the connection a name, to later use it in other actions to upload, download, and sync files, and to monitor directories.

Connection name Give the DigitalOcean Spaces connection a name by which it will be recognized in other FTP & Cloud Actions.
  • My Spaces Connection
  • My 2nd Spaces Connection
Network timeout The amount of time that the Action will wait for the server response. For slow connections, while working with large directories, it might be useful to increase network timeout.
This Action is enabledAn Action is executed only if it is enabled. Otherwise, it will be automatically skipped (completely ignored) from the Task flow.
Use custom display nameRename this Action, to make a human-readable workflow that will help you to find, read, and make sense of the Task structure later.
Advanced fallback optionsManage the advanced fallback options—select which error types will lead to automatic execution of predefined workaround operations.
Log only errorsDo not log information and warning messages for this Action. It may be useful to keep the log file small and tidy on production systems.

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