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Enable Task API

API · It is sometimes necessary to disable a Task from the command prompt or from your custom app. When a Task is disabled, its Triggers and Task Schedulers become inactive · Task's state explained

Features & highlights

  • Disable Tasks and workflows from your custom business apps.
  • Deactivate Task's Triggers from processes that are located outside of Automation Workshop.
  • Disable an Automation Workshop Task from virtually any 3rd party program, script, or database.


To disable a Task using API, use simple syntax:

  • AutomationWorkshop.exe -disable "\Tasks\Network\Auth.task"
  • AutomationWorkshop.exe -disable "\Tasks\Network\Auth"
"C:\Program Files\Febooti Automation Workshop\
AutomationWorkshop.exe" -disable "\Tasks\Network\Auth.task"

Alternatively, use an absolute Task file path:

  • AutomationWorkshop.exe -disable "C:\ProgramData\Febooti Software\Febooti Automation Workshop\Task Files\Network\Auth.task"


  • The Task's path is shown in the Task PropertiesGeneral & Task tabs.
  • If an error is experienced during the Task disabling process, the Event ID 2265 "Unable to process an external API request" will be shown.

More ways to Disable…


Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

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FTP Watcher
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